Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Challenge Our Young Minds

More and more Texas school districts are adopting a policy that is prohibiting teachers from giving students failing grades. Some districts don’t even allow teachers to give even less than a grade of 70. This means that in some high schools a student cannot fail his or her class. Some state lawmakers have finally come to their senses and are acting to pass a bill that would put a stop to this practice and would go back to giving students what they deserve.

The state of education, namely in science and math, is bad enough in this country. I can’t imagine where this country would be in ten years. This policy of giving students a free pass is definitely a step backwards. If we continue on this trend our country would face the challenges of the 1960s when the educational scare occurred. During the space race, the United States realized that the country was behind in educational development in comparison with rival countries. Why? Students became lazy. This no fail policy does nothing but encourage students to do the bare minimum.

I say bravo to the state legislators who are taking a hard stance and giving the power back to the teachers. More than ever our country needs enlightened, challenged minds. Given our economic disasters, environmental issues, and energy shortages we cannot afford to allow our future generation to become status quo. The only was to ensure that the United States continues to be a world leader is to challenge and develop young minds.

1 comment:

  1. Dinora makes a good argument about the bill that will stop teachers from passing every student. Currently, some school districts don’t permit teachers to give a failing grade. This means teachers can’t give a grade less than a 70. I agree with Dinora, the bill needs to be passed. It is ridiculous that some students can just float by in high school because their teacher can’t give them a failing grade. We need to raise the bar in Texas education no lower it. In the article Major challenges Facing Texas Education Today, there are several statistics proving that Texas needs help with our education. One of the statistics states that Texas is ranked 49 in verbal SAT scores. Obviously we need to do something about our education. I like this statement Dinora makes, “More than ever our country needs enlightened, challenged minds. Given our economic disasters, environmental issues, and energy shortages we cannot afford to allow our future generation to become status quo.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement. I’m pleased to know that legislators are doing something about this horrible no failing policy.
