Friday, April 24, 2009

Handguns Aren’t the Answer! In response to Lauren’s article “Carrying Handguns onto a College Campus”

First off I am a supporter of our right to bear arms. My father had guns in the house, my brother in law is a police officer, and I encouraged my husband to purchase a gun for our home. However, the thought of giving college students the right to carry concealed handguns is not a policy that I would agree with. In fact it is down right scary. I believe that the Virginia Tech shooting was a one off event that no matter what kind of laws were in place something like that would have happened. If not at Virginia Tech, then maybe at another campus. Could someone have killed or stopped the shooter before he killed as many as he did, possibly. But what about the argument that the shooter could have planned out such an event with even more detail resulting in more deaths. Imagine if the shooter would have been able to walk into a freshman history class with over 300 students while legally toting a handgun. Even more unfortunate deaths would have resulted.

Another reason I feel that isn’t a good idea to pass such a law is that 21year old college students aren’t as mature as you think. Most of them have trouble keeping track of their books or laptop can you imagine a gun? Twenty one year olds are too busy celebrating the idea that they can now legally have a drink. Now you want to give them the right to carry a handgun to my calculus class?

I say leave the guns on campus’s to the experts, the campus police. College is an institute of higher learning, not the old Wild West.

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