Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama's Fight on Drugs

In Melissa Del Bosque’s blog Obama Listens to Mexico in Border Security Plan she comments on how Obama is being criticized by republicans for his current drug and border security policy with Mexico. The blog is directed at a general audience, but there are some clear jabs at those Obama nay sayers. This is clear because her opinions are not only is done in a style to inform, but also to defend President Obama. Her blog appears to hold some credibility as she is quick to provide facts and figures on current expenditures in this drug war with Mexico. As well as the current Obama plan in the fight against drugs cartels.

Melissa’s argument is a strong one in that she is quick to point out that although some criticism could be warranted, the previous administration accomplished little to nothing in their fight on drugs. She goes as far as to say that at least Obama is acknowledging that there is an issue, the first step in resolving. She states that the administration has three main issues in its battle with drugs. First of all Obama’s plan gives Mexico what it has been asking for, a plan for the U.S. to curb the amount of drug use in the U.S. and to stop the influx of guns into Mexico from the U.S. Mellissa also states that the U.S. will make a concerted effort to create a plan that will spotlight drug prevention and addiction treatment.

I think that the author did a good job in connecting with a general audience and bringing light on the drug problems that the U.S. is facing with Mexico. In recent news the drug and border security issues have been more prevalent stories. It seems that the previous administration focused more on illegal immigration and not the more serious issue of the exponentially growing drug cartels.

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